How To Stay Safe On Social Media

Social Media Dos and Don’ts: What Kids and Parents Should Know Kindle Edition

Do you feel your child isn’t using social media correctly?

Social media is a powerful platform that can either make the world better–or more dangerous. When a person doesn’t know how to use social media the right way, they can break relationships, disseminate false information, or even tarnish their own reputation.

As a parent, the last thing you want is for your child to be using social media in a way that can hurt them. But parents can hardly help their children if they themselves remain oblivious to the repercussions of their behavior on social media.

Teach your child to use social media safely with the Social Media Book!

Sometimes, kids (and even parents!) can get carried away with sharing their happy experiences online. They forget that their content is visible for everyone to see, possibly in perpetuity. This book teaches both children and adults the things that are safe and unsafe to post.

The Social Media Book is written to help families learn why certain seemingly innocent content shouldn’t be posted on social media. It also teaches readers how to protect themselves when their posts attract lurkers.

This informative book for all ages is written by Effie Manolas, an author who loves everything health-related. She gets her writing influence from her personal experiences as well as her passion for helping other people.

This book is perfect for:

– Kids or teens who are new to using social media
– Parents who need help talking to their Internet-savvy kids about safety
– Individuals who want to improve their online privacy

Learn how to keep yourself safer in today’s digital age. Add the Social Media Book to your cart TODAY!
